How CodeSandbox uses Puppeteer & Jest to test sandbox functionality
CodeSandbox uses Puppeteer extensively, in this post we will explain how we use Jest & Puppeteer to test user written code.

Last year a tool called 'Puppeteer' was released by the Chrome Developers team. This tool is a headless Chrome, which means that with it you can interact with and visit websites programmatically. This is a powerful concept that has many uses.
CodeSandbox uses Puppeteer extensively nowadays. I want to explain in 2 posts how we use Puppeteer. In this post I will explain why and how we use Puppeteer for our test suite. In the next post I will cover how we use Puppeteer and serverless functions to generate previews and metadata for sandboxes (projects).
But Why?
In CodeSandbox we do all bundling of the sandbox code in the browser, I've built a custom bundler to do this. We still make changes and add features to this bundler, so it's crucial that we extensively test if the changes affect existing sandboxes built by users.
I've always kept a list of 'test' sandboxes and would load every sandbox manually to see if they still worked. As you can probably expect, this proved to be very time consuming as the list kept growing beyond 20 sandboxes and we started getting more contributions. Puppeteer to the rescue!
Puppeteer has a really nifty function called
. The function does
exactly what it describes: it takes a screenshot of the current webpage and
returns the Buffer
of the screenshot. For CodeSandbox we can use this as a
snapshot tool: after every commit we take a screenshot of all test sandboxes and
compare them with the previously stored screenshots. If there's a difference of
more than 1% we fail the test suite.
I decided to use Jest for running all tests. We start by setting up an array of sandboxes to test:
const SANDBOXES = [
{ id: "github/reactjs/redux/tree/master/examples/todomvc", threshold: 0.04 },
{ id: "jvlrl98xw3", threshold: 0.05 },
// And moooore sandboxes
This is a list of sandbox ids, of which some have extra options like a more tolerant threshold. We iterate this list to create test cases:
const SANDBOXES = [];
describe("sandboxes", () => {
SANDBOXES.forEach((sandbox) => {
const id = || sandbox;
const threshold = sandbox.threshold || 0.01;
`loads the sandbox with id '${id}'`,
async () => {
/* test code */
1000 * 120 * 1
The biggest question was how to take a screenshot of a single sandbox. This
turned out to be quite simple, we already support opening a sandbox as a
separate page by going to
(example: So the only thing
left for me was adding this functionality to the development server, so we can
create screenshots with the new code. I ended up changing our webpack
to have a 'test' mode, this mode will only build the sandbox bundler and host it
at http://localhost:3001#:id
(example: http://localhost:3001#vue
). Note that
we set the id as a hash, this way we don't interfere with the routing of the
After having this set up it was fairly straightforward to build the rest.
There's already a library for comparing screenshots called
This library exposes toMatchImageSnapshot
on expect
, which works almost
exactly the same as toMatchSnapshot
The final implementation looks like this:
import puppeteer from "puppeteer";
const SANDBOXES = [
/* ids */
function pageLoaded(page) {
return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
// We expose a function which the bundler will call after evaluation
await page.exposeFunction("__puppeteer__", () => {
if (resolve) {
describe("sandboxes", () => {
let browser = puppeteer.launch({
args: ["--no-sandbox", "--disable-setuid-sandbox"],
afterAll(() => {
SANDBOXES.forEach((sandbox) => {
const id = || sandbox;
const threshold = sandbox.threshold || 0.01;
`loads the sandbox with id '${id}'`,
async () => {
browser = await browser;
const page = await browser.newPage();
const waitFunction = pageLoaded(page);
// Go to the page
page.goto("http://localhost:3001/#" + id, {
timeout: 60000,
await waitFunction;
// Let fetch requests finish before continuing...
await page.waitFor(2000);
const screenshot = await page.screenshot();
// Check if the snapshot matches
customDiffConfig: {
customSnapshotIdentifier: id.split("/").join("-"),
await page.close();
1000 * 120 * 1
You can see in the code that we expose a function called window.__puppeteer__
The bundler calls window.__puppeteer__
when it's finished, this function is
exposed by puppeteer so we can exactly know when we can take the screenshot. The
generated screenshots are then saved in the GitHub repo.
You can find them
We run these tests using CircleCI, but we need to generate the initial screenshots locally. To ensure that we generate similar screenshots as CircleCI we generate screenshots using a docker container. We have a simple script which we just run to generate new screenshots:
docker run --rm --name test-container -v $(pwd):/home/circleci/codesandbox-client -w /home/circleci/codesandbox-client -d -t codesandbox/node-puppeteer yarn start:test && \
sleep 6 && docker exec -it test-container yarn test:integrations && \
docker stop test-container
I have set up a simple workflow for CircleCI to start the test server and simultaneously run the tests. These tests are run in a docker container that has Puppeteer preinstalled.
We save all diffs as artifacts, so we can easily compare the screenshots. You can see a list of artifacts of a recent test run here.
The implementation turned out to be quite simple, but it has saved me a lot of time already. We now test a little over 20 sandboxes for every commit and PR. I also noticed that I'm more inclined to add sandboxes to the test suite too, which made the bundler more stable in general.
In the next post I will cover how we use Puppeteer with serverless functions to generate metadata and oEmbed tags for sandboxes. You can follow my Twitter @CompuIves or @codesandbox to stay up to date!
If you're interested in the code; all code that was described here (and of CodeSandbox) is open source on GitHub. You can find the main repository here.
I hope you found the post interesting, don't hesitate to respond with more ideas and uses for Puppeteer!