Discover Announcement
We're happy to announce Discover, the place where we highlight great and inspiring sandboxes!

CodeSandbox started with the premise that it should be incredibly easy for people to share their JavaScript ideas and projects. We released CodeSandbox with that idea 4 years ago, and today, already more than 16 million(!) sandboxes have been created on CodeSandbox! And that number is growing quite fast, even in the last week alone we've seen 213 thousand new sandboxes being created.
In those sandboxes there are so many unnoticed gems, and it's a shame that these sandboxes have been hidden without too much attention. Until now, the only way to find these interesting sandboxes was by accidentally finding the right tweet. That's why we started to work on new ways to highlight the great sandboxes that are being created. And today, we're excited to announce our latest work on this: the Discover page!
The Discover Page
In the dashboard you'll find a new item in your sidebar, called Discover. On this page we've collected many inspiring, beautiful and clever sandboxes we've found on CodeSandbox, and organised these sandboxes into collections. This page is a great way to find inspiration or just to look at what others are working on.
With this, we want to make it extremely easy for people to discover and share work from each-other, and encourage more people to share what they've been working on.
More to come
This is our first iteration of the Discover page. In the future, we'll make it possible for you to customise and create your own collections that you can share. With this, we're making sharing a core part of CodeSandbox
We'll update this page regularly, so that every time you visit, you'll find some new interesting sandboxes on there. We could definitely use help with finding new sandboxes, so if you have created a great sandbox or have found one, please send us a tweet on @codesandbox!
Let us know what you think! Don't hesitate to shoot us a message on or on Twitter. Big thanks to Danny, Zeh, Danilo, Sanne, Ceora and Sid for building this!