PHP support, faster microVMs and better stability

Hey everyone! How was your April?
Yes, we know April was a long time ago but... we finally had a bit of the time to go through our very long list of new features, improvements and bugfixes.
So, here is our third changelog of 2023!
What's new?
By adding official PHP support, we allow anyone to run a powerful cloud environment to develop PHP projectsāfor personal, work and open-source projects. Plus, we added Intelephense support with auto-completion, auto-formatting, linting and even type definitions (when applicable).
We introduced lazy shared snapshot syncing, which has improved our average fresh start VM timings by 1.75x and our resume VM timings by 2x. On our P99 the improvement is even more staggering: across the board (start & resume) a 3x speedup. Saving snapshots is 1.5x faster.
Introduced a new 'billing manager' team role
CodeSandbox for iOS Updates
Introduced PHP support
Added template categories with sandbox templates for front-end, back-end and new languages
Added support to convert browser sandboxes into cloud sandboxes
Introduced contextual tooltips to help you learn as you code
Improvements & Bug Fixes
Added a tab to the browser editor allowing users to upgrade to cloud sandboxes
Pitcher now handles any changes to imported `.gitignore` files and delestes them
Improved the generation of og-images from sandboxes
That's all, folks!
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or feedback. We're on Discord!
Catch you on the next one š