Introducing play.js Live
Today, we're happy to announce play.js Live. From today, you can edit sandboxes directly from play.js, while real-time collaborating with anyone from CodeSandbox.

Last May we announced that play.js was joining CodeSandbox to enable web development on mobile. Carlos, the creator of play.js, has been hard at work since then, and now we're happy to announce play.js Live. From today, you can edit sandboxes directly from play.js while real-time collaborating with anyone from CodeSandbox using your iPad or iPhone.
Let's take a look!
Collaborate in real time with CodeSandbox
Real-time collaboration is something that CodeSandbox has had since our announcement of CodeSandbox Live. With it, you can easily collaborate with others on the same sandbox at the same time. This is very useful for many use cases, like pair-programming, interviews, or when working together on something.
With this update, you can now do it from anywhere! When you're on the go and someone has a question, you can just open the iPad/iPhone to immediately see what they're working on. If you're working on your laptop, but want to continue on your iPad, that's now possible by just opening your iPad and continuing from there! With real-time collaboration, you can see others editing a project and others can see you too. Pair programming, helping, teaching, or learning... these are now possible from anywhere!
Create & Manage Sandboxes
Creating a sandbox is as easy as signing in with your CodeSandbox account and selecting a template to get you started. It will automatically become available online for you to edit from any other device or share with anyone.
What's Next
Now that we have full integration of play.js with CodeSandbox, you can work on sandboxes directly from your iPad or iPhone. At CodeSandbox we've been hard at work for the last 8 months on a new type of project, and we're close to announcing it. With the whole team we've set our sights on this, and we're building a first-class integration for play.js as well. We'll officially announce this in 2 to 3 months. Stay tuned!